Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Melbourne Museum

We haven't had much to blog about lately, so we decided to venture into the City this last weekend and visit the Melbourne Museum. It is kind-of like OMSI in Portland with different exhibits that frequently change, as well as an IMAX theater.

There was an actual rain forest that had cute little birds flying around, some different kinds of fish, and a pretty waterfall. It felt like we were somewhere tropical...we can dream, right?
They had an exhibit called, "The Melbourne Story", which was all about the history of Melbourne. These pictures are in a replica of a house built to show the living conditions in the late 1800's. This tiny house would have held 2 adults and 9 children. I can't even imagine!
A few more pics from the Melbourne Story:

This was just for fun :) It's an old roller coaster car.And you can't have a museum without dinosaurs!
The museum also had a thing for "stuffed" animals. They were all over and a little bit scary actually. I took a couple of pics to show you what I mean. This one was actually kinda cool.
This one is Phar Lap, a famous Australian racing horse. There's a movie about him and a whole exhibit dedicated to him. It's just the "stuffed" version that's a little weird.
After the museum, we walked around the Carlton Gardens, which is actually just a big park. It was pretty though.
Next door to the museum is the Royal Exhibition Centre (yes, I know I spelled it that way!). It's the largest building in Australia. I love the architecture and culture in the City!

We ended the day with dinner in Chinatown.


Jeff and Kim said...

So cool!! We can't wait to come visit! I was actually thinking that our blog needed some more pictures, which does require an outing. Kendall is away on an overnight school field trip, so Jeff and I are headed into the city to play! Stay tuned...

Glad to see that Anthony is home and you were able to enjoy a fun weekend. :) YAY!
Love, Jeff and Kim