Sunday, April 13, 2008

Family Visits

Over the past couple of months, we've had lots of family visitors. It's been fun to see everyone and spend time with them all. My parents, brother, and grandparents came to visit us at the beginning of March. It was the first visit from my grandparents, so it was fun showing them around. We ate at some really great restaurants.

We had a really fun "girl day" with pedicures and coffee!

Just some cute random photos from the week:Anthony's Mom, brother, and grandma came next to visit for the Easter weekend. We had a great time, as always with them! We took advantage of the beautiful weather as much as possible. Walking around Old Sacramento is always fun! We played games, ate great food, and had fun relaxing and visiting with each other.

Here are a few cute pictures of Easter Sunday - we loved getting all dressed up!

Our final visitor was my sister, Katie. She is a 3rd grade teacher and came to visit during part of her spring break. We had so much fun with her and pretty much laughed the whole time! She also just celebrated her 24th birthday, so we took her wine tasting in Napa for the day. It was beautiful weather and we enjoyed being outdoors.

Katie wanted a new "look" so I cut and highlighted her hair...and gave her bangs! I think it turned out really great and she loves it, so that's good! :)

Then, on our last day, as we were getting pedicures...Katie came up with a really crazy idea - and, I went along with it! :) We got matching sister tatoos!! It can hardly be called a tattoo since it took about 30 seconds to complete. But, it's really super cute and an awesome memory we'll share forever. She definitely brings out the "wild" side in me (if we can even call it that - ha!) and I love her for it! In case you can't tell what it is (it was hard to get a good picture) they are tiny little hearts on our feet - mine is on the right :)

We had a fun couple of months with our families. We're so glad we were able to see them all and spend time with them before our big move to Australia!! More to come on that soon!


Ronda said...

Loved seeing all of your family pictures...sounds and looks like you all had a simply marvelous time! The "girls day out" sounded nice....Wish that I had a sister! (I have a best friend that I have adopted as a sister!)Wow...even sister tattoos!(smile)Enjoyed your recap of such fun times...I am excited to hear about your move to Australia! Love ya!