Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas 2008

We have now been in Australia for about 8 1/2 months, so we were very excited to go home for Christmas this year!

On the plane from Melbourne to LA, we were actually bumped up to Premium Economy...man, we were spoiled! Not quite First Class, but a good step up from Economy. The seats have foot rests in them, recline a bit further back, and are a little wider. The blankets and pillows are better, as well as the food options. It was hard going back to regular ecomony on the flight home.
On our way to Portland, we made a stop in Sacramento for the weekend. We were fortunate to be able to spend some time with our good friends there. Here's a few pictures from our brief time in Cali.

We were supposed to fly out of Sacramento on Sunday night, but our flight was cancelled. The Portland area had several inches of snow, which is highly unusal for them, and the airport was basically closed. When we called the airlines to find out when we would be able to get home, they told us the soonest flight out would be Christmas morning! That was an unacceptable option for us, so we looked into train options, but they were either completely full or cancelled as well. So, we called Budget and asked if we could keep our compact car (Mustang!) for an extra day & drop it off in Portland. They allowed us to, so we bought some chains and headed home at 5am the next day. A normal trip from Sacramento to Portland takes about 8 1/2 hours. And 12 hours later, we pulled into my parents driveway. We made great time all the way to Salem (about and hour from Vancouver) and then we pretty much crawled at 20 mph the rest of the way (4 hours instead of 1!!). We were so happy to finally be home though that we really didn't care :)

The driving put us about a day behind and the snow slowed us down a lot. We ended up rearranging some plans and weren't able to see everyone on our list. But, we really enjoyed seeing the snow and being with our family!

We spent Christmas Eve with Mom, Tyler, and Laura. We played games, took some fun snow pictures, had an amazing Christmas dinner, opened lots of awesome presents, and just enjoyed each other's company. We planned on going to church for Christmas Eve, but it was cancelled because of the snow storm....we still can't believe all the snow we had!

Christmas Eve night we went over to Dave & Sandy's house with my Mom's side of the family. It had been about 5 years since I'd been able to be there and Anthony has never been there for Christmas Eve, so it was really special for us. Almost everyone was able to make it and we all had a great time!

Christmas day was spent at Mom & Dad's with Katie & Jason. We slept in after a late night and woke up to open stockings, have a cinnamon roll breakfast, and then open presents. Jason wrote each of us a letter that was really special and definitely one of the highlights of Christmas this year. We all took turns opening gifts and we didn't finish until the early evening! It was so much fun and we lost track of time until it started getting dark outside :) Anthony's Mom and my grandparents joined us for the traditional prime rib dinner...yum!! It was so good - the perfect ending for such a great day!

We had to postpone Christmas with Dad & Joyce due to the crazy weather, but we had a wonderful time with them as well. Grandpa & Grandma Harris and Joyce's Mom were also able to join us this year. Joyce made a wonderful ham dinner that topped off the evening. It's always great to visit and catch up...especially since it had been so long!

Grandpa & Nan came down from the Tri-Cities to visit with us the week after Christmas. It was so great to see them! We really appreciated them making the trek out to see us in the crazy weather. We were able to have lunch with them at the infamous Olive Garden (this side of the family is where Anthony's Italian heritage comes from) and then breakfast at IHOP before they left the next morning. We always have a great time visiting with them.

New Year's Eve was spent with my parents and Katie. It was very laid-back. We ate some good food, played our new Wii, and watched the ball drop at Times Square.

Our time home flew by way too fast, but we enjoyed every minute of it! Our parents and siblings had lunch with us at McGrath's (our favorite seafood restaurant) before we headed to the airport. It was bittersweet - we always hate the leaving part. We miss everyone already, but are looking forward to some more travelling around Australia. Our time here is almost 1/2 gone, which is amazing to think about. We are so blessed to have such awesome friends and family and we wish you all the best for 2009! We love you all!


Ronda said...

I SO enjoyed all of your Christmas pictures....looks like you all had alot of fun! You all have been blessed with wonderful families....bet they all enjoyed having you home! :) The snow was beautiful,too!
Now~on to more adventures! Hope that you will have an exciting and happy 2009! So glad to be able to blog with you! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Awesome blog--the pictures were great and you are such a great writer:) Miss you already--love you - Sandy

Anonymous said...

what a great time we had with you both! I looked so horrible in that picture, but great memories! Love you lots!