Sunday, July 19, 2009

Our 4th Anniversary

wedding (Large)















Four years ago, on July 9th, Anthony and I said “I do”.  In some ways we can’t believe how fast the time has flown by, but on the other hand, it’s hard to remember what life was like before we knew each other. It’s been an incredible 4 years. We moved from Vancouver to Sacramento to Melbourne. We’ve changed apartments, cars, churches….left family and friends and made new friends. Through it all, Anthony and I have grown closer together and have enjoyed the journey. We look forward to all the Lord has in store for us in the future.

These are the beautiful flowers Anthony gave me:

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Our anniversary was on a Thursday this year, so we decided to celebrate the following Saturday. We started out the day at The Pancake Parlour. We’d heard good things and we were not disappointed.

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Next, we perused through the book fair at Federation Square. We both ended up with about three books!

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Federation Square had an art gallery that we’ve never been to, so we decided to look around while we were there. It was probably the best art gallery we’ve been to yet.

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Then we decided to head to the library, but we found that it was sinking into the ground! Just kidding of course.

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Our last stop before dinner was Borders. It’s one of our favourite bookstores in the States, but we haven’t been there since we moved here. There were still a couple books we were looking for, so we spent a bit of time here. We walked out with a few more books. We now have reading material to last us for quite a while!

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We ended our day at BlueFire Restaurant. It’s on the waterfront in the Docklands, a suburb next to ours. The restaurant was pretty unique in that it was “all-you-can-eat”. We haven’t seen that since moving here. The waiters would bring out large metal skewers with barramundi, calamari, lamb, steak, pork and chicken. They would keep coming to our table until we turned over our card to indicate we were done. The meal also came with appetizers and dessert. It was too much food, but a really good meal.

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We had a great day celebrating our four years of marriage. We look forward to many, many more.

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Ronda said...

Happy Belated Anniversary! Sounds like you had a special time celebrating....enjoyed all of your pics! Loved the wedding photo! :)