Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Apartment Pics...Finally!!

Sorry it took so long to get these posted! We finally got the last of the things on our list a couple of weekends ago and our home is pretty much complete. We hung the pictures and everything we own has it's "place". Granted, there are always things we can add, but we now feel like we're "officially" moved in! And, it only took us 3 months :)

Here's our living room. There is a sliding glass door to our balcony, which is just big enough for a couple of chairs :) It will be nice in the summer to be able to sit out there and see our "slice" of the water.

This is the kitchen - it's very small and there's hardly any storage - and, the cupboards that we do have are too tall for me to reach! It works for the 2 of us though.

This is our dining area - we found the cube shelves and thought it would work great as a storage unit too. We think it works out pretty well.

This is the "alcove" that is kind-of like a second bedroom. It's actually been really nice to have the extra space. We would feel so cramped without it.

This is our bathroom. It's a pretty good size, but it's the only we have. Our washer is behind the closet and there is enough room for some storage in there too.
There are a couple of differences we've had to get used to as well. One is that showers don't have full doors or curtains like we're used to, just short glass partitions. It's been an adjustment because it's really cold in the mornings since you can't close the door all the way and because water splashes all over the floor!

Another weird thing is that all toilets here have 2 flush settings - half and full. Apparently, it's to conserve water?Also, every electrical outlet has it's own on-off switch. So, sometimes, I'm waiting and waiting for the iron to heat up or the coffee to start brewing or wondering why the toaster won't stay down... only to realize that the switch isn't even on!! Crazy! :)

This is our bedroom. It's pretty basic, but since we had to buy all new furniture when we got here, we pretty much went for the bare minimum at IKEA.

So, there you go! This is where we live. It's become quite cozy and we're enjoying our place in Port Melbourne. We hope you are all enjoying your summer! Ours is coming soon...hopefully!! :)


Jeff and Jocelyn said...

Oh Kristi, absolutely and completely adorable!!! I love your place, it is sooo cozy and you did an awesome job picking out furniture and decorating, it looks GREAT! Hey those toliets are all the hype here in SK. It is for water conservation and definitely the newest "thing" funny!
It so good to actually "picture" you in your place!
love you lots miss you!

Nat said...

You place looks really cute!! Our place doesn't look nearly as good and we've been here 1 year! I've never been much of a decorator though.

Anyway, just a note to say "Happy (sorry it's late) Birthday"
Hopefully sometime in the near future we (you, Joc and I) can celebrate all together.

I'm looking fowrard to catching up - when is the best time to call my time?

Anonymous said...

This is Mom - I'm testing your comments change. I think it works. Your apartment looks so cute and so you - it makes me miss you more! I love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Another test - still Mom - love you! This one I checked the "Name" box and the other I checked the "Anonymous" box.

Ronda said...

Great job, Kristi! Very nice! Looks like ya'll had fun fixing up your new place...glad that you shared the pictures!(That is so interesting about the shower and toilet...Hmmmm!)Love, Ronda

Rosanna Toews said...

Hi Kristi - enjoyed seeing your new space. Hope you are doing well.

Vanessa said...

Hi Kristi and anthony,
I am still trying to figure out how to do the comments. I love the pic of the apartment. You two have created a beautiful home. I miss you both so much. love you mom.